Friday, October 24, 2008

Blinking and Getting Stuck

Cara has learned how to blink. It is the funniest thing ever! I couldn't figure out what her deal was yesterday. I was feeding her some refried beans and she kept squinting at me. I thought she thought I was going to thump her in the head or something. Nope. She was just sitting here this morning looking at me, blinking. It's so cute. Unfortunatly I don't have a picture of it. I think it would just look like she's closing her eyes, anyway. So, this is a photoless update.
Cara now pulls up on everything. She thinks it's just the most fun thing to do ever! Well, let me tell you how NOT fun it is when she gets stuck standing!! She can get down sometimes, but for the most part, right now, she can't get back down to the ground. Her biggest challenge lately has been trying to follow the cat up onto the window sill. Obviously this will never happen. It's just too high. She stands up and stares at him, then really can't get down. She has defenitly kept me busy and on my feet this last week!!
My last photoless update for the day..her newest favorite snack. Manderin oranges. She loves them! She will almost gobble them down whole. We are learning how to take our time and chew. I'm sure she will get it at some point!

1 comment:

Amy S. Trosen said...

Your dad loved this post. (So did I.)