Saturday, March 1, 2008

A Very Sleepy Day

So, we've had one of those days where nothing really gets far anyway :). Cara has screamed everytime I have put her down. I thought maybe she just needed to cry, so I went upstairs and cleaned the bathroom. She screamed the entire time. I guess she just needed to be cuddled today. I am trying to get a hang of this whole when to cave in and when not to. I forget she is only two weeks old. Hopefully she isn't playing me yet.

On a brighter note, She has slept for almost 6 hours in a row the last two nights. This makes for a very nice night for me! We seem to be kind of developing somewhat of a schedule. She sleeps between 1am and 7am, stays awake for almost two hours, then falls back asleep. I sleep with her (or try to) during this time as well. She still has her major fussy time in the evening. Last night, she wouldn't stop fussing no matter what! It was quite crazy. She seems to be doing better today, though. I think maybe she didn't like what I had for dinner. I have noticed she doesn't like garlic so far. I think possibly my dinner had garlic in it. I wasn't really thinking. I had canneloni. It was delicious, but I think it just made her gassy and irritable. I am learning, slowly but surely. It will all come together.

On another bright kitchen is completly dry. I figure I just got my spring cleaning out of the way early this year. I had to clean out all the bottom cabinets and the utensil drawers. All my pots and pans had water in them...but, everything probably needed to be cleaned anyway! My floor is superbly clean and it really does look pretty great in the kitchen now. I think maybe the flooding wasn't as horrible of a thing as I thought. Blake was so great about it. When I called and told him about it, I was in tears. After I told him the whole story, he said "It's biggie". He thought I was calling him from the cell to tell him I forgot the baby at home! I felt much better about the water then. He is rather wonderful.

Today I am working on my attitude. I am back to deciding that a happy attitude is a choice. Blake has been so wonderful for the last 9 months, reassuring me that firstly: the baby would stick and we wouldn't lose her, secondly: that I could handle pregnancy and parenthood, thirdly: I could totally handle delivery of Cara, fourthly: I could handle myself when Mother left and lastly: I really can handle myself and I am an excellent mom. He needs a break! I think I have been way to emotionally wimpy! I am making a very concious effort to lose the wimpiness. I think that just being confident, or at least acting confident, will help. This is my goal. To give my wonderful hubby a break from emotional breakdown me. To make it so we can both enjoy parenthood without having to really worry about each other.

All in all, it has been a very different life these last two weeks. I am, however, getting a routine down. Cara and I just have to work together while Blake is at work. I get things done in ten minute spurts. This works just fine. I am getting to know Cara's cries and screams...sometimes she has gas and is in pain...sometimes she is just mad. Most of the time, though, she is just hungry! She takes after me, hungry all the time!! That's an easy fix. For both of us :)


Amy said...

Your baby is beautiful! With both kids, I absolutely dreaded Lawrence having to go back to work. I was so scared about how it would all work out. I can absolutely relate to this blog. The night-time fussiness is the hardest, Isaac used to have a really hard time falling asleep. The fact that she is already sleeping six hours is fabulous though! Hopefully you can get caught up on sleep soon. I love you and wish I could give you a big hug!!!! Miss you!

Amy S. Trosen said...

You really are a wonderful mother. I love you.

Becky Wells said...

i'm impressed, Cara already figured out the whole people love to sleep thing.. :)
hey have you tried the Little Tummys or Milocon (sp?) drops for gas yet? then you can eat whatever you want...we gave them to Killian, actually we still do sometimes if he has something that will bug his tummy later. but i'd give him a dose about 15-20 min before i fed him if i knew i ate something that would be suspect...
anyway i hope we get to see you guys this spring ! miss and love you give Cara a hug and a mini high five!