Sunday, March 30, 2008

My happy baby

Cara's first clippy

Her "seriously, the camera again?" look.

It's a little bit of a chunk picture, but she is so happy, I had to take the shot!
So, after an excruciating night of crying and fussing, I thought Cara was going to be one of those intesly fussy babies that always needed to be held. I finally had to put her in her crib and just let her scream it out. She defenitly did that! After a good long while, she seemed to have calmed down a little bit, so I went up and got her. I brought her down to feed her, and she started all over again. I draped her across my legs and she passed out. I thought "Yay, I'll go put her in her crib for the night". Yeah, that wasn't happening. I laid her down and she immediatly started screaming again. I let her go for a little bit then brought her downstairs again. After the screaming bit, she calmed down and fell asleep. I am so very happy to say she slept for 7 hours straight! She has been the happiest baby today ever!! She woke up, not crying, and jsut kind of snuffled around for about a half hour, then I fed her. She is now officially bumped up to 6 oz every feeding. She slurped her bottle right down and was just content and smiley. She fell back asleep for a couple of hours and I ran a few errands with her. We got back home and she ate, almost 5 hours after eating this morning. This is such a difference from the last week! She has been eating, like, every two hours. It's been crazy. She is finally acting like a normal formula fed baby. I am so happy! She now just fell asleep for her afternoon nap and I am going to take one with her. I just wanted everyone to know I got 7 straight hours of sleep last night, and it felt great!


♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

Yeah for sleep! Good for you! It sometimes takes awhile to get them onto a schedule...

She is so darling! I LOVE the clippy!

DNV said...

I am so happy you got seven hours!! WOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!! I remember those nights of cranky babies! It's not fun.

Amy said...

How exciting! Getting a good night's sleep is the best feeling in the world! She is definitely right on track! :) I love her hair barrette also. How sweet!