Sunday, August 3, 2008

A really nice day

So Blake got up this morning and got the baby out of bed and totally took her until I woke up at 10am. It was such a wonderful treat to be able to sleep in. Cara has had totally wicked yucky diapers lately too. I'm not exactly sure what's going on, but she's gone from pooping maybe once every other day to pooping at least 3 times a day. It it's runny and gross! She has had diaper rash for a couple of days now too. I am sure it is probably due to teething, but man...I sure was spoiled with the baby that didn't ever poo. She is still so happy, though. I figured she would be a crab sack, but no. She is still having issues sleeping through the night, but it's working out right now. I put her down at about 8 and she wakes up at midnight when Blake gets home from work. He gets her and we all hang out for a bit. She was only up for about a half hour last night. That was pretty awesome. She did, however, wake up at 4am. This was becasue we have these two really really loud "rice burner" moterbikes. They are tiny, but LOUD! I am unsure why they need to come rolling past the house at 4am, but they did and woke her up. The germans have quiet time from 12-2pm every day and nothing loud is allowed to be done on Sundays. I wish they had quiet time in the middle of the night. That would be great. Anyway, that was a rant, sorry about that! I am still just so happy that I got TONS of sleep last night. It was fabulous!!

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