Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Okay, okay...

So I know you are going to think that all I do is let my child watch tv. I don't let her watch a ton of tv, but she usually gets 20 minutes a day. It's to help keep her up that extra half an hour. Well, we found a new movie that she likes. Enchanted. I just couldn't take Bee Movie again, so I thought I would try something totally different. She really liked it. I am so very pleased!

On a completly different note...this is my cat. He is so wierd sometimes. I am not sure why he was sitting like this (in the picture), but whatever. He has not been a very good kitty lately. He keeps peeing on one of my flipflops. Not just randomly either. He looks for the same shoe and pees on it. He has never had a peeing problem before. I am just not sure what the issue is. I threw the shoes away yesterday. I am hoping that will just make the problem go away.

So yesterday we had a new experience. I went out to lunch with a couple of friends and took Cara with me. Oh boy. She is SO 6 months old. She was constantly moving, up down, up down...she would yell when the other kids would cry (there was a 5 month old and an 18 month old). I made the mistake of taking her out of the highchair. She would not go back in. She wanted to eat everything off of everyone's plates. She only really wanted to sit with me. She's started this stage where I am just her best friend...you know, screaming when I leave the room...or even just put her down. It's been a fabulous week (dripping with sarcasm). Needless to say, lunch is probably not something I'll do again until we get this attitude nipped in the bud (which I am hoping is soon).

On the positive side, she is just so adorable. I love that she loves me. It's so difficult to discipline her for that. It isn't difficult to when she screams, though. I think her teething is dying down a little for the moment. I love that. She is still super drooly, but I think it's getting better. We have started doing "This little Piggy" on her feet and "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and "Patty Cake". She loves it. I get her laughing so hard she gets the hiccups. Then I feel bad...she ends up with them for the entire day. But it is just so fun to make her laugh. Another good note about our training. The new nap schedule is going GREAT! She has now settled into her one short morning nap and two short afternoon naps. She doesn't really sleep for a long afternoon nap yet, so we broke it into two short ones. It works perfectly. She now goes to bed between 730 and 800 and doesn't get up until 8 in the morning. I think she probably wakes up way before 8, but she is content to sit in her crib and play. I love it. We are on our third day of giving her solid food twice a day now too. I think it has helped. She gets cereal/fruit in the morning and veggies at supper. I just love her stage right now (minus the whole screaming when I leave the room, of course). Okay, I've rambled enough. bye for now!


Unknown said...

That's cute that Cara likes Enchanted. Our kids love that movie, and every night before bed we have to watch the Happy Working Song from the movie. :)

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

Hey! I love you too!!!! Do you get that same feeling just thinking of that??! :) (just kidding!)

I am glad you are settling into a routine! That always makes things easier!