Thursday, August 14, 2008

Happy 6 Months Old!!

So, these aren't the most smiley of pictures, but such was her mood today.Onto the post!
My baby is 6 months old today. It's just amazing how time really does fly. I don't have her 6 month stats yet. We are having issues getting an appointment. They have a waiting list for the well baby checkups. Hopefully we'll get in by the end of the month. She has grown a ton in the last month. She has two wonderful teeth (and working on a couple more). She is almost crawling. She will push herself up on ther hands and knees and rock. She sometimes pushes herself backwards. She has started getting solid food at least once a day. Her favorites so far are sweet potatoes and pears (not mixed). She usually gets half of a graham cracker for a mid-morning snack. She is enjoying being able to feed herself. Her favorite movie is still Bee Movie. I cannot tell you how dull I think this movie is, but it completly captivates her. Nothing else will do. Boy, does that get dull! She seems to be doing just great. We have finally adjusted back to our own timezone. She is back to sleeping through the night, which completly rocks! I can't wait until her appointment so I can see how much she weighs. It's always so much fun to guess. My guess right now is 18 pounds. I guess we'll see!!


Amy said...

I can't believe how old she is already! Time has really flown! I hope that you can get into your appointment soon!

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

Happy 6 month birthday!!!! I also can't believe how big she has gotten!!!

DNV said...

Wow she really does look big sitting up by herself..I sure miss her.