Wednesday, August 27, 2008

No too many smiles for Momma

Well, we seem to be having a rough week. She's adjusting to NOT being on vacation. This means she can't just eat off of anybody's plate, she can't just drink out of anybody's glass, she has to eat her bottle, and I'm not just going to hold her all the time. Wow, a lot of lessons to learn! She really likes hanging out with her daddy right now. I did manage to coax one smile out of her. She can't resist the raspberry sound coming out of someone elses mouth!


DNV said...

She look so big sitting up!

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

Good luck as you continue to train your precious little girl!!! You are doing such a great job! I can't wait to see you all again!

Amy S. Trosen said...

In that top picture she sure looks like a Raboin.