Wednesday, April 2, 2008

2 Month Appointment

So, we had our two month appointment for Cara today. Our little bug now weighs 12 pounds even and is 22 3/4 inches long. She now weighs as much as the cat! She did so well during the appointment. She, once again, slept all the way throught the night. I think we are finally on a routine! The doctor looked her over, did all the checks he needed to do and she is perfect. Everything is looking right on track! She was so happy, smiling and "talking" back to the doc as he was checking her out. Then came the not so fun part. She had to get her first round of immunizations today. The girl gave Cara the oral stuff first. She sucked that down like a pro! Then, I had to hold her arms while the girl kind of pinned her legs and administered the shot...It took about a split second for it to register and Cara let out a HUGE scream. She cried franticlly as the second shot was done in the other leg. I have to say, I didn't think this was going to effect me, but it was a little more traumatic than I thought it would be. I didn't cry, but my heart just clenched. She calmed down during the ten minutes we had to wait before leaving. She is now passed out, which I guess is normal. Her next appointment will be at the 4 month mark and she'll get another round of shots then. I think I will be better prepared for it then. I am so glad she didn't have an allergic reaction to anything and she seems to be doing well.

Before the appointment

After the appointment


♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

AWWW! Poor little pumpkin! It is hard to see them get their shots! It is over really quick...and then you are done for awhile! Elizabeth just got her 5 year old shots...and will be done now until she is 9 (yeah!!!)

She is just so cute!

DNV said...

That is so hard to see them go through and it doesn't get any better...I took Cole to get shots the same day Hunter had his two month shots and that was the biggest mistake of my life..To see two of my babies crying hysterically..Good news is that it is over in a flash!

Karen said...

I just had to say that I love her shirt in the second picture! Too cute! Glad that it all went well!