Thursday, April 24, 2008

Having Fun

We had the best day ever today. Cara was in the absolute BEST mood I've ever seen her in! She was happy, awake and cooing all day long. She took two brief naps, but other than that, she's been awake and cheerful. I love it! She had a blast in the jumpy thing. She would stretch her feet out and make herself bounce, then just smile. She is sooooo close to laughing. I am hoping it just comes out here pretty soon. Well, she's needing to be fed, so that is all for this post :)!


♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

I am glad you had a nice day! She is so cute! I have a couple dresses you may want...if not I'll see if Amy wants them for Liana. I have been busy cleaning closets, and rotating clothes!

Love you!

Amy said...

What a cutie! She looks like she's really having fun!