Monday, April 21, 2008


So, today Cara is a pirate. This is a onsie that Auntie Vanessa bought for her. We are fastly running out of onsies that fit! It's just plain crazy. I finally hit the novelty onsies to see what fit and the pirate one fit perfectly! I put the hot pink pants on her to make sure everyone new she was a girl :). We have been working on tummy time. Today, I put her in the boppy for tummy time. She actually liked it, I was shocked.We are getting ready to read a book before our evening nap. I'm not sure she understands the book concept, but she likes to be chatted with, and this will visually stimulate her at the same time. I am trying to read to her once a day, at the least, now. I want her to grow up super smart!! Well, that's all for today!


DNV said...

I LOVE PIRATE outfit!! I totally forgot I bought it! haha She looks so sweet in it...I see she has a beautiful head of hair and she is getting chubby cheeks...Alexis had those..(Winston Churchill cheeks..I call them)...Cara is getting so big and totally gorgeous as well! Give her a kiss from her auntie ness!

Karen said...

She is so cute! Maybe arggh will be her first word! =)

Amy said...

You are such a great mama! Hope you're having a great day! Love you!

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

She is so CUTE!