Wednesday, April 16, 2008


So my birthday starts in 6 minutes. I just love my birthday and this year there is a present waiting for me to open. It's just sitting there taunting me. Blake has it booby-trapped so he'll know if I touch it. As you can read from the note, I am to look only with my eyes. This is so difficult. I will update you more tomorrow.....


Anonymous said...

wooo hooo hope you have a great day :0)

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

I LOVE surprises! You sound like me...waiting and watching the pile of presents! I can't wait to see what you've gotten!!!


I am SO glad that God blessed us with the same birthday! I can't imagine NOT having a day to share with you!

I love you!

Amy said...

How exciting! I wonder what he got you? Hope you have a fabulous birthday!!!! Love you bunches!