Thursday, March 12, 2009

39 Weeks

Not the best shot, but oh well.
Cara being her crazy self.

So I had my 39 week appointment today. I am happy to say that there is something going on! I am dialated to 2 cm and I am 75% effaced. The doc said Alex is really far down and nicely planted in my pelvis. She stripped my membranes and I am hoping that maybe that will trigger something. Probably not, though. My next appointment is next Thursday. I am really hoping to have him before then...


DNV said...

Yeah! I hope you have him soon. You really look like you are ready! Call if you have a chance today.

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

You are looking good! I can hardly believe that your time is almost up! I bet you will have him tomorrow night! :)

Love you!

Niij said...

Effaced is great!!! You are so close!!!! I hope he comes soon too! Love ya!

Chris, Tasha, Dawson & Lainey said...

You are so having a boy!! Such a cute belly--and all baby!! Love the pic!

Keep us updated! I am anxiously checking as today is St. Patty's Day!!