Thursday, November 6, 2008

Pooping and Vomiting and Smells, Oh My!

My sick little girl (yes, that's my christmas tree!)

Well, Cara is officially sick (and gross). Oh the laundry I've done this last day and a half. It's been just crazy. Thankfully, she isn't throwing up anymore today (so far). Her appetite hasn't returned yet, but I'm sure it will. She still has stuff coming out the other end, though. Man, have I never smelled such stench in my life!!! Poor little girl. I think she's on the upswing, however. She had a handfull of cheerios a little while ago and is playing around, in a happy mood. I am hoping by morning, she'll want her breakfast and everything will be great!


♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

Poor poor baby! It is never nice when they are sick! I sure hope you make it though without getting sick yourself! Just try and drink LOTS of water!

I love you!

DNV said...

I remember Alexis' first vommiting sickness..It is the pitts!! I hope she feels better soon..