Sunday, January 13, 2008

An excellent day!

So the day before yesterday was such a wonderful day! I woke up with more energy than I have really had in weeks...the sun was shining...the birds were singing, you know the drill! A group of people from Blake's work were going up to this resturaunt to eat in a town about a half hour away. We were invited to go along, so we did. Excellent food!!! Good food always make's my day (unfortunatly, this is not just a pregnancy thing!). We then came back to base and went bowling. Now, for the record, Blake has not let me go bowling for the last month. I have been so sad, becuase it's just so much fun. Well, he caved. He said as long as I quit if I get tired and don't push myself. We ended up playing three games. It was so awesome!! The first two gmaes, I bowled my regular 80 points a game (I said I liked blowling, not that I was any good!!). The third game, however, I pulled out a record 135!!! I have never done that in my life. My high score before that night was 107. We didn't end up getting home until about 1:30 in the morning. I have to say, it was just a wonderful day!
Then the next morning hit!!! Yesterday I was paying for my bowling excursion! I was so achy all day. I had to admit to the husband that he was right...this is something that I'm used to doing as he's right a lot, but I didn't want to do it about the bowling. Needless to say, I think I learned my lesson about bowling at 9 months pregnant. It may seem like fun at the moment, but there will be achy sore consequences to bear!
It is now 7:30 am two days later and I seem to be feeling better. I still woke up with energy, so I'm hoping the achiness will have dissapated somewhat so I can get some work done. My mother gets here on Friday and I have a little bit of cleaning to do before she gets here. I'm so excited!!!


♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

You are too funny! I guess that I should admit that I too would probably be tempted into bowling even if I were 9 months pregnant too...IF Craig was bowling himself...I don't think he would have let me...or gone himself!

You are so lucky to get to spend the next month and half with Mother! She is so great! I am getting very excited to meet your little baby! How fun that time is getting SO very close!

I will be praying for you!

Amy said...

Sounds like such a fun day out! Wow, I can't even remember the last time that we went. It has to have been right after we got married I think. It is so fun though, and at least you got to enjoy it while it lasted. Glad you're feeling better now though! Love you!

Chris, Tasha, Dawson & Lainey said...

Hey there! You know what "extra energy" usually must be right around the corner!! I cleaned my entire house from top to bottom scrubbing everything. Thought I was just in the cleaning mood as it was a little over a month before I was due...yup 2 days later Dawson graced us with his presence! We are praying for you in whatever happens! We love much fun! Glad you got to enjoy yourself! God Bless!