Saturday, December 8, 2007

Gratch and Christmas....

Why oh why does my cat love to bug me???? His newest ploy in life is to eat the christmas tree. The tree is fake...why does my cat crave plastic? This is a question I don't think I will ever know the answer too. All I know, is that he started this "destroying of christmas decorations" at a very early age. We did not have an actual big christmas tree when we lived in Texas, but we did still have the Santa on a bike. Take a look at this lovely picture of Gratch and Santa. I believe he thinks Santa is his arch-nemesis (next to me, of course). This was taken two years ago! He has never changed!!!

(he is not happy with me for telling him to stop....he is stalking me)
(5 minutes after I turned the lights off and was typing this blog...)

Needless to say, my life is never dull. This little crazy animal provides daily entertainment for me. He is, as we speak, batting at the snowmans hat from the window sill! I tell ya...he may be difficult at times, but he is NEVER boring!!


Amy S. Trosen said...

How did he get that huge rug so skewed? Running and sliding? Crazy cat.

Rebecca said...

Yes...he runs and pounces on the rug, moving it all over! He is so crazy! We fix it at least twice a day. I should get the no-slide rug sticky things...boy would that throw him off!

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

Hahahaha! I am laughing at his antics! I am so glad that you blogged about it! :)

I love you!

Amy said...

We are laughing too! Lawrence couldn't believe that was Gratch attacking Santa. He must have something against the poor guy. Love ya!