Friday, February 19, 2010

Feeling better :)


So, we have had a rough couple of weeks. Cara had her first ear infection and Alex had the WORST diaper rash I've seen in a good long while. It was his first. Yuck. Poor Cara was just not feeling very well, so I (on a whim) decided to take her in to the doc, just to have her checked out. She had been running a fever for a few days, nothing tragic, only about a hundred or so, but still constant. She had just had her well baby check up a few days before and everything was fine. I was SHOCKED when the doc said it was an ear infection. I apparently have a child that doesn't give me any signals that she has one. Great!! She got her antibiotics that she had to take for ten days. Her 2nd birthday party was right in the middle of these ten days. Can I just say, a little girl whose meds havn't really kicked in yet, around a bunch of people....yeah. She was "that" kid. Her tantrums have reached an epic point. She crumples to the floor like a puddle of water. Cries, kicks, screams....the word "mine" is now part of her vocabulary. Where do they learn that???? Well, I could tell when her meds finally kicked in. The last two days have been awesome!!! I just love it when she is happy :)
On to Alex. This poor little boy had such a bad diaper rash. He has never had one before and I just wasn't sure why he had one now. He didn't really have any tooth nubs, so I didn't think he was teething. He's had a cough for a couple of weeks, but nothing serious. Just the end of a cold. I was lost. Nothing I was doing was making it better. He would cry when he saw me grab a diaper. I had to stop putting desitin on him, becuase every time I changed his diaper and cleaned him off, he would bleed. Poor kid. It occured to me after 4 days that this diaper rash happened to show up when we switched brands of diapers. The kids wear Huggies Supreme, but not a whole lot of diapers come in a pack and they are super expensive. I decided to switch to Luvs. Cara has no problem with them. Alex is apparently allergic to them. I switched him back to Huggie's and two days later, his rash is almost completly gone. Yay!!
This is all happening while Blake is on 12 hour night shifts. Yuck. He works from 7-7. The days he has pt, meetings or anything else, he doesn't get home until 10, just go to to sleep by 11 to wake up by 6 to go to work at 7. This has not been my favorite shift....not at all. Thankfully he goes to NCO academy (a school for the airforce) and that is 6 weeks long. He starts on Monday, so we get 6 weeks of normal life :) He will have to go to school, which starts at 6 and goes until 5, five days a week and is off on the weekends. Woo hoo!! This will be a nice 6 weeks.
Other than that, we havn't really been up to a whole lot. We are waiting for our assingment list to come out next month. Then we should find out where we are going in April or May. I can't wait!!! It will be interesting to see where we will end up. I just don't even care, as long as we are back in the states. I am excited!!


Kristen said...

We just tried Lauren on LUVS and her butt seemed more red than usual as well. It didn't get to the point of blistering but they just didn't keep her dry. A friend of mine, her daughter would get yeast infections with LUVS too. Weird! I know!

Glad everyone is feeling better. Can't wait to hear where you will be assigned. YOu know where we are rooting for :)

AlisonatLuvs said...

Hi Rebecca, my name is Alison. I'm a mom and the Community Manager for Luvs. Sorry to hear about your LO's rash! We would not expect this type of reaction and would like you or anyone else with this type experience to please call us at 1 866 678 6428 to share more details.