Sunday, February 7, 2010

Cara's 2 year old stats

We had Cara's two year old well baby check this past Friday. She is doing awesome!! Her stats:
Weight: 29lbs 80%
Height: 35 1/4 in 88%
She is still behind with how many words and phrases she can actually say, but she's come a loooong way since December! I just know she's going to start chattering away just any day now. It's difficult not to compare her to other kids her age who are totally talking. We have started a mini-preschool program of sorts now. I got some fabulous idea's from my sister and Cara and I work together everyday to try to enhance her speech skills. She tries now, which is more than she did a few months ago. She and Alex still sound similar, but she is learning more words. I figure where she is a late talker, Alex will probably be and early talker and they will talk at the same time!

1 comment:

Amy S. Trosen said...

She looks good. Soon she and Alex will be talking up a storm and you will wish for these days back again just to get a little quiet. Poor Blake. I foresee a day when he will need three ears, one for each of you!!!