Monday, January 26, 2009

What a sweet looking child....

Oh how looks can be deceiving!!!

Training is so difficult. I am not sure why temper tantrums start so young!! Where do they learn it? Cara reminds me of the little poem "There was a little girl" know the one. When she was good she was very very good, but when she was bad she was horrid?? Oh yes, this reminds me of Cara. It isn't even that she does anything "wrong" at this point. She just throws fits over the smallest of things, whines for no reason at all, screams when she has to get dressed...or get her diaper changed. We are starting a time out corner and leaving the spanking for outright defiance (which, yes, she totally has at 11 months old!!!). This is difficult to teach too! It does help, though, that when she is in a good mood, it's fabulous! She is just so adorable. She is at the stage where she laughs at everything! She will throw her head back and just belly laugh. It's really just awesome. I know the bad times throughout the day just seem worse because I am 8 months pregnant. She is getting heavier, the baby is getting heavier...the stairs seem steeper, the bathroom seem so much farther know how it is. We've got less than 8 weeks left, then I get to get through that first 6 weeks, then it will all be better! No more super duper tiredness. Well, this kind of seems like a whiney bog. Sorry about that! Life really isn't horrible, I promise! I am just tired and that makes everything seem worse! Here's looking foward to tomorrow and a brand new start to a brand new day :)


♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

Yes, I am sure being 8 months pregnant with an 11 month child is super hard! Wow! Cara will pull through these times with your amazing consistant training! I am just amazed at your ability to anything at all being so pregnant! (again...WOW!) I love how your living room looks!

The Ericksons said...

Oh Becky, I am so there right with you! Jack in 14 months and has the same issues. I do have to slap his little hand sometimes but I'm not so sure on spanking so young just yet, I feel (and this is just my opinion) that toddlers this age aren't quite aware of right and wrong and are just now exercising their independence. Stick with it, it gets easier!

Amy said...

It was so nice to talk to you on the phone yesterday! You are doing an awesome job! Love you!

TERI, and THE BOYZ said...

You are doing a FABulous job at mommy-ing. While acknowledging the hard stuff, you have this amazing ability to see the positive side of everything. Your Momma done taught you well! (I can't wait to meet her)

God has truly blessed you. You, like my other daughter-in-law, are an Awsome Mom! My son's are truly blessed to have you beautiful women as wives!

Keep it up sweetheart! You too Blake!