Saturday, May 22, 2010

Guess who is a crawler no more???

This little crawler is officially a walker!!!
He's been trying out the whole walking thing for the last two weeks...He wasn't quite sure about it.
Finally today, he just took off!! He can even push himself up in the middle of the floor. Yay!!
Cara loves to "help" him walk.
She then laughs hysterically when she makes him fall. Poor kid.
This is her just having a good day :)
Cara loves to read to Alex. He, for the most part, is mostly interested in only eating the books.
He tries to pay attention while she reads to him, though. It's usually very short lived.

I am so happy that Alex is finally walking!!! He will be 15 months old in a couple of days. I thought that maybe he would crawl forever. I was mistaken :)


♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

They are soo cute! I love seeing your pictures!

Amy S. Trosen said...
