Tuesday, May 4, 2010

And we're off!!

We are going to Florida!!! I am so excited! We just got the word that our next duty station will be Eglin AFB. This is one place we've always wanted to go. Blake's Dad retired out of Eglin and he and Blake's stepmom, Marcia, still live there and teach. I've never lived by family, so this is going to be so fabulous :) The bug situation will be horrible. I hate roaches and spiders...snakes...gross. I am hoping that that will be the only downside...besides of hurricanes, but being in weather, hurricanes are not really a "downside" :)

Now, the process of pcsing starts. Getting everything ready here to pack out, finding a place to live there, figuring out the best schools for the kids...the list goes on and on. Thankfully we are very familiar with the area since his parents do live there. I have a pretty good idea of where we will live, and since Keith and Marcia are both teachers, we have a pretty decent idea of which schools we want the kids to go to. We are also planning on buying our very first house!!! I love the idea of being a homeowner. I can't wait to paint the kids' rooms, paint our room, choose the colors for the livingroom...the works!

We don't leave until the beginning of October, but I think Blake is going to send the kids and I home a little early so he can deal with the movers and the cleaning of the apartment without us being underfoot. Blake is pretty excited about the move as well. I think one of the biggest things he's happy about, is the fact that he will be able to ride his motercycle a little more frequently than he is able to here. That, and the fact that we'll be in Florida, at an Air Force base, near his parents and in a place were we get some awesome storms :) He will still probably have to deploy, but that's okay. I am good with that.

So, our countdown starts. The kids and I have four and a half months left here. That is no time at all! I can't even imagine how fabulous it will be. I know every place has it's downsides, but I think the pro's will defenitly outweigh the con's on this one :)


♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

I am really glad that you guys got the place you wanted!!!! It is a little far from MN, but really, does that matter? We can hop on a plane anytime!
Love you!

TERI, and THE BOYZ said...

I am glad too. I know it's good for Blake's career and more exciting weather there than out here in Nor Cal.

BUT I am sad too for obvious selfish reasons.

It may not be too far from MN, But it IS VERY FAR from Cali so for US out here in Cali...


Okay...So you got your orders from the AF, NOW here's your orders from ME: YOU ARE TO START TO USE SKYPE AS SOON AS YOU ARRIVE AND CONSISTANTLY SEVERAL TIMES PER DAY! (okay, I'll accept several times per week)

No matter what, I am happy for you and wish you all of God's Blessings.