Friday, April 10, 2009

My Family

Loving Alex
Have I mentioned lately how wierd Cara is? My mother found her in front of her door, sleeping the other day. She always gets out of bed and waits for someone to come and rescue her from her room...she now brings her blanket in case it takes too much time!! She is just so funny.
Another thing that makes her somewhat strange...she loves to bite peoples toes...more specifically, my mom's toes. She actually threw a tantrum tonight becuase I told her NOT to bite the toes. She just thinks it's the funniest thing ever.
Oh, one more thing that makes her wierd. She LOVES salt and vinegar pringles. GROSS!


Amy S. Trosen said...

She seems normal to me:)

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

What a nice family picture!!!

Vanessa said...

Dave, Alexis and I are laying in my bed laughing hysterically at your blog. Alexis used to bite my friend's daughter's toes. It was so embarassing. She would make the little girl cry. She was 14 months old. Kids are wierd and cute especially Cara

Amy said...

Cara is so cute! So is Alex! That just cracks me up about Cara. They all have their interesting moments, that's for sure!

TERI, and THE BOYZ said...

Oh my heart...I LOVE to see my son (who used to be my sweet little boy) all grown up now with his very own sweet little children!

Becca, now you need to set the timer on your camera and run and get in some pictures too !!!

I love you guys, TMom