Sunday, April 5, 2009

Cara and Alex

Mother and I were talking today about how having children one year apart is actually turning out to be a great thing. There have been no jealousy issues whatsoever! Cara hugs Alex every morning, gives him kisses throughout the day, and when he fusses in his swing, she goes over and pushes him and pats him to make him feel better. It's just amazing. I thought she was going to not like the fact that he gets to be held all the time, but she just doesn't care. If I'm feeding him, she comes up and sits right next to me, gives him a kiss on the top of the head and we just hang out like that. I love it!
Alex actually slept for 5 hours last night! Yay!! Blake is working night shift right now and was off last night, so I left Alex in the livingroom with him and I went to sleep. It was fabulous. Tonight may be a different story, however. We have been suffering from colds the last two days and today, I think Alex picked it up!! He is snorkly and stuffy and has been sleeping pretty much non-stop all day long. I am hoping that this is as bad as it gets. I am already feeling better and I think Cara is too. Mother has not caught the cold yet, but she has been sneezing a lot today:( Blake won't get the cold becuase he never gets sick!! That in itself is quite sickening.....
In other Alex news...he is now umbilical cord free! It fell off this morning. I am excitied to give him a real bath now!
In other Cara news...She is STILL cutting her canine teeth! How long does it take for them to come in??? She is so drooly, it's just gross!
Well, that's it for us today! We will probably update's Alex's two week check up already!! See you then.


TERI, and THE BOYZ said...

Isn't it amazing that sweet little Cara looks like a giant baby next to Alex!?!! I was always shocked by that phenomenon. She does seem to adore him..why wouldn't she? She's been given so much love, that's what comes naturally to her. It's obvious she's giving Alex lots of love!

Some of the 1st pictures, somehow, looked like he had brown eyes! I hope so! He is so beautiful!! I LOVE to see Cara interacting with him. And I LOVE to see your parents interacting with Cara and Alex! It's so wonderful. I just wish I could be part of it. I am as much as possible from a distance. Keep those pictures coming!!! I love you all and you're always in our prayers.

Tmom and the boyz

Karen said...

These pictures are wonderful. You are very blessed to have two beautiful children!