Friday, July 25, 2008

Vacation, Stage 3--Florida!

Florida is always a nice place to visit. Blake's dad lives down there and it's just beautiful! Blake's grandparents also drove down from Missouri to see us. It was so great to see them. Blake and I celebrated our 6th anniversary while we were down there. Keith and Marcia took the baby for the day and we just hung out together. It was fabulous!! It seemed as if this portion of the trip was too short. We had a blast.

Grandma and Cara
Cara and Uncle Erik

Grandpa and Cara
Hanging out in Florida

What a funny face!!!!

Loving Grandma

Grandpa feeding Cara

Granda Jack and Cara

Erik and Tina

1 comment:

DNV said...

I love all the Florida pics!! It looks like Grandma and Grandpa just fell in love! How could they not! She is the most adorable baby!! We miss her here..I can't wait to see you guys agian!! Hopefully before she's walking and talking! It goes by so fast..Remember when Hunter wasn't such a crazy kid..He was so sweet way bak then! Remember when you met Cole he was 3 and on Monday he will be 9! I was pregnant with im when Blake went into the Air Force....AHH hmm time flys..