Sunday, May 20, 2007

Carnival time!!

My friend Kimberly and I have met a new friend. Her name is Mara. She's in our german class and we love her. We went today to a carnival with her and had a blast!! The german's do carnivals totally awesome. We went on almost all of the rides, had slushies and walked around until our feet hurt. I played one of the games in the boothes and totally won a glass!! I had to throw ping pong balls and try to get them in the glasses. I wasn't so good at first, but then I noticed the little 10 year old next to me. He was bouncing the ball on the counter in front of us to get it up into the glasses and that totally worked. I copied him and I won too!! Our friend Mara tried out the big hammer thingy, but it was really heavy. We had such a fun time. It was nice to get out into the community and try to practice our german...that didn't go so well, but we did get the chance!!


Amy said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! I want to visit you so badly! I can't wait to see what it's like. I'm glad you're having so much fun with your new friends. Love you!

Karen said...

How fun Becky! Makes me wish I was there with you!

I have a wonderful friend named Mara too! She is the greatest!

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

Fun! Germany does have a lot to draw a person...

I love you!

It was fun talking this morning!