Thursday, October 29, 2009

The babies

Alex really is always smiling....I just never seem to get it on camera!
Cara really doesn't smile all the really does take 47 pictures each day to get a smiley one!!

It seems like his teeth are coming in crooked. Has this happened to other people? I know they are just baby teeth....I don't think it matters.
Oh, and he now has 4 teeth!!! Two on top and two on bottom.


♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

They are sure growing! Very cute!

Vanessa said...

Sometimes baby teeth grow crooked but then straighten out.:)

Kristen said...

Vanessa is right! Don't freak about about the teeth right now. They eventually will straighten out...and just because the baby teeth are crooked does not mean the permanent teeth will be and vice versa! Just brush em' brush em' brush em' and no more sipping on juice or milk for long periods of time!

Rebecca said...

I totally forgot you know about teeth!!

I am so glad that I have never really gotten the kids into juice. They get milk at meals and Alex gets his three bottles a day. Other than that, it's water, water, water!!

I just hope his teeth do straighten out...I can see braces in his future!