Sunday, May 3, 2009

Our Life

She loves her baby. She now burps her...
Just hanging out with Daddy
Smiles late at night :)

Well, the first six weeks are almost over. Yay!! Alex is getting past the point where he poops every time he eats, which is fabulous, he is sleeping longer and longer through the night, although he still isn't where Cara was at this point, He is having more and longer awake times throughout the day and he just keeps getting bigger and bigger! Blake and I are putting together the crib for him this week. We went and got his mattress today. I am glad I did it before Blake BARELY fit in the car with the carseats!! We squished it and made it home.
Speaking of Blake leaving....we have a week left. We are getting everything ready so it will be as easy as possible for me in the next 6 months. With the Baby Bjorn my in-laws got for me, life will be a little easier going out and about. Cara is getting better at the stairs...she likes to lick them sometimes (gross!). She no longer falls out of her bed at night, which is great, and we are going to be starting potty training next week (I am a little tired of all the poo between the two kids!!!). I know she is a little on the young side, but I am hoping to have her, at the very least, daytime trained by the time Blake gets back.
My downside this week....I think my breastpump is fizzling out :( This makes me sad. I keep hoping it will hold on just one more day......I think my days with it are numbered. Other than that, life is going well and we are doing great! More updates to come :)


DNV said...

Adorable!!! I love Cara and her baby, and Blake and cute!

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

Very nice pictures!!! Hopefully the next 6 months will fly by! Maybe someone will be able to find a good deal on a new breastpump for you!