Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Just a few pics

We've had a whirlwind last couple of months! After leaving Germany, the kids and I stayed with my parents for three weeks, then we met Blake down in Florida where we stayed with his parents for about 6 weeks. We moved into our new house (it's gorgeous!!!) a few days before Thanksgiving :) We spent the first of many holiday's with our fabulous family here in Florida. Marcia's mom and sister were down as well as Erin and the girls. It was just wonderful. We then went to Missouri by way of Kentucky for Christmas. We had a wonderful time! The kids had such a fun time getting to know thier cousins!! Erin and the girls followed us back down to Florida to spend the week after Christmas with us. It was such a fun time!

The kids seem to be adjusting well to the new house. They each have thier own bedrooms, which they love :) They are both entering new stages in thier development. Cara is just starting the "Why?" stage (oh joy....) and Alex is majorly hitting the terrible two's. Cara's speech is finally developing a little more. I think the two weeks with Erin's girls helped out a bunch!! She still sounds chinese some of the time, but her sentances are getting more and more recognizable :) Alex, on the other hand, is moving along quite nicely in the speech department! It's just amazing what he will try and say! Lets see, what else. Oh! Cara has finally decided to start eating again. She just randomly stopped liking most everything when she turned two last year. She just as randomly started eating again. Everything. Even meat. I hope it lasts...Alex, on the other hand, pretty much has to be spanked at every meal. It isn't that he doesn't like food, becuase once he starts eating he doesn't really stop. He just throws a fit at literally every meal for no reason whatsoever!!! It's very aggravating. He is waaaaay more stubborn than Cara ever was as well!! I am still trying to find some type of discipline that will effect him. We spank, put on time out, spand AND put in time out, smack hands, thump the head...everything!! He pretty much isn't effected by anything. I still think he has no nerve endings....that maybe he just doesn't register pain. Example, he fell and busted his head on the coffee table last week. Maybe ten seconds of crying, then nothing more. He had a huge goose egg on his head that turned into a black eye! Oh well, we will figure something out :)

Well, I think that's enough of an update for the moment. I am off to workout and then head to bed :)


Anonymous said...

Cute Pictures!! ;)

Vanessa said...

I love the pictures.. My mom did too..I showed her yesterday. Cole didn't care about spankings either. We ended up sending him to bed if he wouldn't eat.. I didn't think of that till he as 4! He wouldn't eat and we spanked him, did time out and then forced him to take a bite in which he deliberatly threw up on the dinner table! I told him if he was sick then he must go to bed.. The rest of us had fun and enjoyed out evening..loudly.. We never had an eating problem again..It did take till he was 4 tho..He was sooooo stuborn!

♥ Craig & Jessica ♥ said...

Cute! I love them!