Monday, March 26, 2012

Arrrrgh! Alex be Three!!

So, we had a very successful pirate birthday for Alex. My baby boy is now three. How is this possible??? He loved every minute of the weekend!!His treasure chest cake left much to be desired, but he adored it, and that was the point :) His stats from his check up today are as follows:
Height: 39 inches
Weight: 35.7 pounds (down almost 2lbs from last month!!)

I think they have finally stopped measuring his I am not sure how big it was this year :) His eating has dropped considerably in the last month, which must account for his weight loss...either that or their scale was wrong....Other than allergies buggin' him majorly, he got a clean bill of health today! We did end up with an allergy prescription for this nasty springtime blooming season. Poor kid :(